Tuesday, June 19, 2018

10,000 Daily Steps Are Not Good

I know many people and have many family members who talk about and compare how many steps they do in a day. They are some 'stupid' idea that becomes a suggestion to get otherwise health Americans off their butts and move more. I am not an otherwise healthy American and I have no desire to count steps or know how many steps I take daily.

I never got one of those 'whatchamacallits' to count my steps for several reasons - mostly I can't wear a bracelet on my left hand because of my lymphedema (courtesy of breast cancer surgery) and I can't wear a bracelet on my right hand because of my RA.

I really do not care about how many steps I take unless I take too many.

First of all, my new phone actually has an app that automatically counts how many steps I take - provided I carry my phone with me. But I rarely carry my phone with me so I usually get totals of 1700 steps total for a day - my brother says he takes that many steps before he leaves for work. If I go to the gym, I bike for an hour but my back is nicely supported and it doesn't take too much out of me.

My doctors and I have a deal. I go to the gym three times a week and do my hour of cardio, nicely supported, followed by 45 minutes of stretching, range of motion work, and weights. Then I don't need to do much else. I do go out and garden at this time of year. Other times of year, I do try to get out and move around but not as much.

No, 10,000 daily steps won't help me get in shape or lose weight. What 10,000 daily steps means to me is: I did too much. That means I will need to spend a day or two recovering and taking it easy. So I don't really care about them.

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