Thursday, February 18, 2021

Life Moves Us

We are moving to Maine in a few weeks. I am looking forward to living in a house with no stairs so I can get around easier. I will have a weaving/crafting/knitting studio as soon as my husband finishes it - the building is there but needs insulation etc.

The scariest part of moving to Maine is I have to get new doctors for the first time in 40 years. Well its been 39 years and 8 months. I called up to get us new doctors and set up first appointments. They sent us paperwork. Everywhere it said things like: 'surgeries', 'ailments', 'medications', 'specialists', etc. I said 'see attached'. 

I called again and asked and the regular new patient appointment is 30 minutes and 'the doctor will book additional appointments as needed'. The last time I got a new primary care, she split up my annual physical into 2 hour long appointments. I was healthier then.

Okay, why move? Because the quality of life will be better. Maine has way fewer cases of Covid. I can't get a vaccine any time soon here so I hope by the time of my new physical, I will be able to get an appointment then. 

Crap in life

So currently I am waiting for the following: I am finally getting dental implants started in my jaw. I fell in June, knocked our 3 teeth. It...