Thursday, November 3, 2022

Crap in life

So currently I am waiting for the following:

I am finally getting dental implants started in my jaw. I fell in June, knocked our 3 teeth. It was supposed to be Friday but the surgeon's mother died so it's delayed until next week. It's been months so I will suck it up for now. 

I am still waiting to hear from medical insurance so I can have a temporary block done on my lower back so I can finally have the regular one after that. I saw the doctor oct 11 and I called today to find out they are waiting for health insurance approval that should have happened by now but hasn't. They gave me the direct number to call and told me it should be any day now. Never-ending that I really don't need the test injections but (because of my medical history and we moved they need to be sure it will be covered... I'll wait....

I had a biopsy done on a chronic mouth sore. The doctor said he would put a rush on it and that it should be a week but might be as long as 3 weeks. It's now 2 weeks and five days and no word yet.

I have a fluid pocket in my abdomen, found on a back MRI, so my PCP wants me to see a gyn. I waited over a week and called. That will be Dec 22. Just a couple of months away.

I am waiting and really sick of waiting. 

Effing doctors, insurance plans, and all of that. I am in mood to consider medical teams to respond to me.

But yes I am extremely healthy, in case you wanted to know


Crap in life

So currently I am waiting for the following: I am finally getting dental implants started in my jaw. I fell in June, knocked our 3 teeth. It...