Friday, July 6, 2018

Chronic Illness Complicates Everything

As a normal person, you get something stuck up under your gum that irritates you and you can't get it out so you end up at the dentist. They get it out and you go on with your life.

I have had something stuck up under my gum line since last Friday. Its been bothering me. It has been bleeding sometimes. It is driving me crazy. Yesterday I couldn't even brush my teeth in the area because it was so sore. So I called the dentist. My regular dentist is on vacation so I got to see her partner who doesn't know me as well. No big deal.

When I got there I told the dentist about the short story that it has been bugging me since last Friday and hasn't seemed to get better, bleeding off and on, etc. He said, okay, let's take a look.

Before I would open my mouth for him to look at it, I told him about my RA, depressed immune system, and pain patch which hides all pain until it gets really bad. Then I opened my mouth. What did he say? 'It looks like a canker sore between your teeth.'

Has anyone else on the planet had a canker sore between their teeth? I don't think so. So we had a little conversation about my RA medications which sometimes cause mouth sores and how this isn't really a dental problem even though its between my teeth. He had his assistant talk to my rheumatologist's office and sent pictures of my lovely canker sore. He also prescribed an oral rinse and a topical cream to put on it. It should be better by Monday and if not see my rheumatologist. Or go see an allergist (which I don't have but probably should at this point) or a dermatologist (which I do have).

For Pete's sake, its supposed to be a minor dental problem, not a medical dilemma that requires a specialist. Who knew RA and its ensuing suppressed immune system manages to screw up everything. And aggravate the crap out of me.

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