Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Sometimes people say to me 'I don't know how you do it' meaning 'how do I live with dilapidated body'. (I prefer dilapidated to defective, damaged, or other terms.) Well, sometimes I don't know  how I do it either. But I do k now somethings.

Life with chronic illness is not something done alone.

  • I have a team of doctors. All my doctors are at the same hospital so they can talk to me and about me. I appreciate it when they do ask questions of each other about my conditions because my medical history is complicated and involves several specialists.
  • I have a 'team' of friends who try to understand my ailments as much as I try to understand theirs. If you don't have ailments, you don't get my life. (I do have friends who are healthy but they do not always understand.) These are the people you call when the doctor says 'but we need more tests to see what is going on here' or 'here's another sucky diagnosis'. Together we can figure out how significant the new issue is. There's nothing like having a friend on the other end of the phone who is googling away to help interpret the latest news.
  • I have a 'team' of online resources. These range from specific websites to secret groups on Facebook where we can share our ailments without being found by family members before we are ready to share or just to b*tch about the latest news. One website for chronic illnesses I have found which is awesome for me is The Mighty. This is my current favorite. There are others for when my mood changes.
My point is I could not cope with this alone. I need emotional support to deal with this. I also know my emotional side is just as important as my physical side. Physical issues result in emotional issues such as anxiety, depression, stress, and more. I know I have to treat both so as not to implode. 

Yes there are days when I wake up and wonder how will I cope today. But I have learned to reach out. I have learned to say no. I have learned to be proactive in my care to speak up or take a day or afternoon for myself - the proverbial 'mental health' day to give myself a break. 

This is how I cope. 

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