Monday, August 6, 2018

Dont Wait For Me

There are many activities available in which I can no longer participate. Most of the time I am fine with that. There are things that I am still able to do - mini golf, for example. I'm a decent player and my husband and I have a running battle on who wins the games (usually him).

But with all the other activities available in life, don't wait for me. I'm not going bungee jumping, mountain climbing, segway riding, etc. I will keep my feet firmly planted on the ground and the rest of my body will appreciate it.

I realize people are polite and want to include everyone in the group into their activities but I do want other people to enjoy doing the things I can't do. I am often happy to sit on the side lines, take pictures, and enjoy their fun.

Maybe in the past I would have been more active but that's okay. I need to conserve my energy and make my choices so as not to cause myself problems or end up resting for three days to recover. I also don't handle stress well either and won't be sitting around 'discussing' topics that don't interest me.

However, just because I may not be active, doesn't mean I should be ignored. I may move slower, rest more, and sit around but I am still a person who deserves as much respect as others. I have noticed that people most often interact with high energy others. But us low energy people have things to say too.

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